Substance Abuse Trends and Statistics
Located right in between Columbus and Cleveland off Interstate 71 is Mansfield, OH. Just under 46,250 people call this city and the county of Richland home. It is separated into seven different zip codes, including 44901, 44902, 44903, 44904, 44905, 44906, and 44907. Mansfield is primarily made up of young families and over the past few decades, crime rates throughout this city have risen significantly. Mansfield, OH crime rates are 109 percent above the Ohio average and 107 percent above the national average. Specifically, with regard to violent crime, Mansfield, OH has a violent crime rate that is 79% higher than the Ohio average and 39% higher than the national average. Mansfield is 113 percent higher than the Ohio average for property crime and 118 percent higher than the national average.
One thing that has greatly fueled the increasing rates of crime in Mansfield and Richland County is the opioid epidemic. Opioids are a class of prescription drugs (such as Oxycontin, morphine, Percocet, and Vicodin) and illegal substances like heroin. For pain relief, opioids are usually prescribed. Opioids are addictive physically and should only be used as prescribed. Opioid misuse can lead to severe health or even death. Hazardous synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil have fueled the rise of fatal overdose deaths in the area.
The Opiate Epidemic
All of Ohio has felt the devastating impact of these deadly drugs, one of the most severely impacted areas of the state is Richland County. All of Ohio averaged around 31 opioid overdose deaths per 100,000 people. In Richland County, there were 52 fatal overdoses per 100,000 people.
Related: Best Opiate detox center in Ohio
From 2013-2016 the number of fatal overdoses in Mansfield, OH skyrocketed which followed national trends. In 2013 there were under 20 fatal overdoses per 100,000 people in Richland County. One of the main problems that have fueled the increasing amount of lives lost is fentanyl and other synthetic opiates. These drugs can be more than 1,000 stronger than pure heroin and can easily kill a full-grown adult male with just a few specs.
In 2017, the Ohio Attorney General, Mike DeWine, announced that 40 law enforcement departments will receive $3 million in grants. They will use this money to help replicate or expand Drug Abuse Response Teams (DARTs) and Quick Response Teams (QRTs) to address the Ohio opioid epidemic. All emergency responders now carry Narcan, a life-saving drug that can reverse the effects of an opiate overdose. Locally, the Mansfield Police Department applied for the grant and was given $100,000 by the Richland County Opiate Response Team
Sober Support Groups and Meetings
Getting and staying clean is easier when one has a strong group of sober support around them. It is an extremely important part of the recovery process to attend a meeting and become an active member of those groups. This helps keep one accountable while they continue their way on the road to a better life free from drugs and alcohol. All of the following sober groups in Mansfield, OH are free to attend and open to anyone who wants to stop using mood and mind-altering substances. Not only are there support groups for those who struggled with addiction/alcoholism, but there are also support groups for their family members. Among the most common and easy to find meetings are Alanon and Naranon.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the oldest recovery groups in the world. It was started in Ohio and has grown to have millions of members throughout over 100 countries. From AA other support groups have been formed. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), and many more. These groups follow the 12-steps which has helped countless struggling addicts and alcoholics stay clean.
Mansfield AA Meeting finder:
Mansfield NA Meeting finder:
AA and 12 Step Alternatives
On top of the Anonymous groups, there are a handful of new groups that have become increasingly popular over the past 20 years. SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, are the most well known. There’s something for everyone, and for those who can’t physically get to a meeting, some meetings are even held online. SMART Recovery is a science-based approach to sobriety. Celebrate Recovery designed its recovery methods around religion and the teachings from the Bible. Refuge Recovery is one of the most recent recovery groups and is based on Buddhism, which focuses heavily on meditation and mindfulness.
If you don’t know what meetings and groups to attend, try a variety of them out and find one that you feel best fits your individual needs. Lists of local meetings are available on different websites in Mansfield and are located throughout Ohio.
These groups will help those who are newly off mood and mind-altering substances to meet other addicts and alcoholics who have turned their lives around and are now free from the powerful grip of drugs/alcohol. In and around Mansfield, OH, there are hundreds of meetings for these groups that occur throughout the day and night. For those who cannot make it to a meeting in person, some support groups will hold meetings online.
If you need help locating meetings near you, follow the links below to learn more about them.
Refuge Recovery Meetings:
Celebrate Recovery Meetings:
SMART Recovery Meetings:
Mansfield OH Rehabs and Detox Centers
When someone who is struggling with substance abuse issues finds they have a problem and decides to improve their lives, they should receive help as soon as possible. That willingness to get clean can sometimes come and go in just a few hours. Having one lined up or at least having some research done on treatment centers in Mansfield, OH will help make this less stressful. Running around and struggling to find a detox last-minute adds an unnecessary amount of stress to a situation that is already stressful.
One of the most important steps in the recovery process is to enter a detox program in Mansfield. Detoxification of drugs and harmful chemicals that have developed with prolonged substance abuse in the process in which the body fixes itself. Without proper medication, intense physical and mental pain will occur. At home, detoxes are rarely successful and will often result in a relapse. Without the help of a detox program in Richland County, withdrawals caused by substance abuse are extremely difficult to overcome and can actually be fatal.
How Long is Treatment?
A few major factors determine the level of physical/mental stressors that one will face. What substance, how long, how frequently they were used will all play a role. The age, height, weight, mental and physical health of the individual will also dictate the severity of withdrawals. Someone in their 60’s with a long history of substance abuse is going to have a much stronger detox than a teenager who has just started abusing prescription pills.
No matter what the case is, a person struggling with substance abuse will have an easier time getting their life back if they enter a detox in Ohio. Clients in these programs will receive medication designed to help ease the pain of their withdrawals. Being able to stay moderately comfortable through withdrawals will greatly increase that person’s chance to get through it. The chance of someone successfully detoxifying themselves is minimal when done without proper medication and supervision.
Once a detox has been completed, one will have the option to continue their care at rehab program in Ohio or go to an outpatient program. A 28+ day Mansfield, OH inpatient rehabilitation center should be the first choice for anyone who is ready to take whatever steps are necessary to get and stay away from drugs/alcohol. Most people entering one of these programs will stay in them for 28-45 days, but on a case-by-case basis, this can vary. Clients will have access to therapists, nurses, and doctors who are there to help them overcome all their problems while in a safe and controlled environment.
What Are the Different Types of Rehab Centers in Mansfield?
Different programs will offer up different types of care. There are hospital-based programs that focus more on the physical side of substance abuse and then there are dual diagnosis programs. In Mansfield, OH, dual diagnosis rehabs are designed to help not only the surface problem (substance abuse), but also the underlying problems. It is essential to address mental health issues and can make a huge difference. More than 70 percent of addicts and alcoholics who entered Ohio’s rehab have anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder problems. If these problems are not addressed, keeping away from their substance of choice will be increasingly difficult for them. This is done using a combination of individual therapy sessions, meditation, group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and more. All Richland County rehabs are designed to give each client a strong foundation to build on their recovery.
There are outpatient programs for those who are unable to enter a 28-day rehab. These facilities are typically designed as a form of follow up care for those who have completed a center, but they can be of assistance to those who have not been able to enter an inpatient facility. Those enrolled in these outpatient programs will go to the center for a few hours each time, 2 or more days a week. All programs will offer group therapy. Individual therapy will also be offered by some programs. Find a rehab center near you in Mansfield, OH on the list below.