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Sedatives & Ambien Detox in Ohio

This page was medically reviewed for accuracy by Alexis LeFevre-Casby, NP, an addiction and mental health specialist and family nurse practitioner at Ohio Addiction Recovery Center.

Ambien, also known as zolpidem, is a popular sedative to treat insomnia. Ambien is in a class known as nonbenzodiazepine sedatives. It is often prescribed because it is believed to be safer than other medications, such as benzodiazepines, like Xanax. However, Ambien is still a controlled substance with a risk for abuse, and it can also cause physical dependency when taken long-term.

At Ohio Addiction Recovery Center, our specialized Ambien detox center helps reduce withdrawal symptoms in a safe, medically supervised environment. If you or a loved one is struggling with Ambien abuse, learn more below how we can help. You can also verify your insurance coverage with us online or call our representatives at 800-481-8457.

Why Choose Us?

Our Premier Ambien Detox Center

young men playing basketball

Your health insurance could cover up to 100% of the cost of treatment. We’re happy to include the following amenities and services to call clients:

Primary Detox Amenities and Services:

  • Family visitations
  • Family therapy
  • Individualized
  • Group therapy
  • 1 on 1 counseling
  • Art therapy
  • 24/7 Nursing
  • Catered food
  • Recreations
  • Tobacco and Vaping
  • Long term options
  • Dual-diagnosis care
  • Transportation
  • Yoga & Personal Training
  • Life Skills
  • 12-step Meetings

Do you have any questions?

How Ambien Detox Works

Unlike a hospital, our detox center is a comfortable residential environment with amenities, recreations, games, and more. However, similar to a hospital, you’ll find the same experienced medical staff such as 24-hour nursing and appointments with physicians. 

Detoxification from Ambien typically involves gradually reducing the dosage of the medication under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal symptoms. Ambien detox can vary based on factors such as the individual’s level of dependence, duration of use, and overall health. Here’s a general overview of how it works:

  1. Assessment: A medical professional will assess the individual’s usage history, physical health, and any underlying conditions to develop a personalized detox plan.
  2. Tapering off: The dosage of Ambien is gradually decreased over time to help the body adjust to lower levels of the drug. This tapering process helps to minimize withdrawal symptoms and the risk of rebound insomnia.
  3. Medical supervision: Throughout the detox process, medical supervision is crucial to monitor the individual’s progress, manage any withdrawal symptoms that may arise, and address any complications.
  4. Supportive care: Supportive care may include counseling, therapy, and other interventions to address underlying issues contributing to Ambien use and to provide coping strategies for managing insomnia without medication.
  5. Monitoring: After detoxification, ongoing monitoring and support may be necessary to prevent relapse and ensure the individual maintains healthy sleep habits.

At OARC, detox is just one part of our comprehensive addiction treatment programming. We also help our clients identify the underlying causes of substance abuse as well as concerns related to sleep, such as insomnia, sleep disorders, stress, or other mental health conditions.

Ambien withdrawal doesn’t have to be painful. When treated under medical supervision, withdrawal symptoms are significantly reduced. We used evidence-based medications to help our clients taper off of Ambien over 7-14 days. There are also medications to assist with psychological symptoms, such as cravings. To learn more about the detox process and why entering a facility might be best for you, contact us today at 800-481-8457.

Ambien Withdrawal Symptoms

Ambien can cause various symptoms if you stop taking it abruptly. This is known as withdrawal. Ambien withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Delirium
  • Hallucinations
  • Sweating
  • Or more 

Detox aims to limit these symptoms with medical intervention and monitoring.

Ambien Detox Timeline

Depending on the severity of Ambien abuse, withdrawal symptoms can surface in a little as 6 hours after your last dose. Symptoms tend to peak 1-5 days after your last dose. At OARC, we stretch this out over 7-14 days by gradually reducing your dose. Most clients have little to no symptoms after 14 days.

Ambien withdrawal severity and timeline also has multiple factors, such as

Length of use: If you haven’t been using Ambien long, the detox timeline is often shorter with less severe symptoms.

Dosage: Higher dosages may result in more severe symptoms.

Age: Older adults sometimes have more severe withdrawal symptoms.

Comorbid addictions: Those using other drugs or alcohol along with Ambien may have a longer or more severe withdrawal period.

Aftercare: Ambien Rehabilitation

After detox, most of our clients choose to complete our 30-45 rehab program. Detox aims to treat the physical component of addiction, while rehab aims to treat the psychological component. This is why we typically do not recommend detoxification only. Those who continue addiction treatment have a far higher success rate and reduced risk of relapse. 

Our inpatient rehab in Columbus uses evidence-based psychotherapy, group therapy, and holistic therapies to enable clients to overcome the underlying causes of addiction. Clients also engage in educational classes, relapse prevention, 12-step groups, and aftercare planning.

Immediate Help is Available in Ohio For Ambien Addiction – Call Now

For 3 years in a row, Ohio Addiction Recovery Center was voted the best addiction treatment center in Ohio by Newsweek in partnership with Statista. We are in-network with most private insurance plans and work with your insurance company to ensure the lowest possible out-of-pocket costs. Contact us today to verify your insurance coverage.

Help is available 24/7 if you believe you may be experiencing benzo withdrawal. You can reach us at 800-481-8457 or through our instant chat in the bottom right corner of your screen. 

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