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Know Your Rights: How to Take a Medical Leave from Work for Rehab

None of us are able to predict the future and where exactly we are going. We create these dreams and aspirations full of imagination only to accomplish a small percentage of the laid out plans. In the same breath, we control our destiny and all the actions that transpire on our road to greatness. As we steer ourselves into the known unknowns, sometimes things take a turn for the worst as we crash into a fatal pile up with addiction.   

As many know, addiction will rattle any unsuspecting person to their core and put them within arm’s reach of the Grim Reaper. It’s only once that person is ready for recovery and comes to terms with their alcoholic thinking that anything can change. After all, nothing changes if nothing changes. Asking for help can sometimes mean taking the time for a rehabilitated medical leave. While some people are wired to multitask well under the pressures of life, others’ need less distraction to eminently focus on eliminating the prerogatives of addiction. For most, recognizing this disease firsthand are the beginnings of any successful recovery.

On the Road Again

The Great Journey, The Maiden Voyage, The Spectacular Vacation; any of these are fitting with taking a medical leave for treatment services. Once things have gotten bad enough for any individual, the time for taking action becomes priority. Addiction is the monster and we are our own grand imperial guards that protect the city walls from the balance of life and death.

Fending off the disease isn’t initially the problem, just finding it, in the beginning, can be.

Alcoholism is one of the only diseases known to man that will convince its host that it’s not there. It’s a camouflaged sickness operating in plain sight up until the point that it’s acknowledged. Many addicts and alcoholics are ready to accept the dictations of their alcoholic thinking but struggle to progress forward in fear of the unfair expectations society may hold.

The reality of it is that alcoholism is just like any other disease, whether the bulk of the populus chooses to accept that or not. It is an involuntary disorder that hypnotizes the mind and should be treated like such in all fields- medical or professional. Needing to take a medical leave for work due to rampant alcoholic thinking is nothing to be ashamed about. Even in a worse case scenario, with life and death on the table, we can always find another job but ascertaining an extra life seems a little implausible.

Solution Search Party

Addiction has no boundaries or any cure for it. Those who have struggled with the powerlessness and unmanageability of alcoholism know that the 12 steps and abstinence are the basis for any effective recovery upon taking a medical leave. Some of us have tried thousands of ways to get it together with no prevail.

To quote the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book,

“Here are some of the methods we have tried: drinking beer only, limiting the number of drinks, never drinking alone, never drinking in the morning, drinking only at home, never having it in the house, never drinking during business hours, drinking only at parties, switching from scotch to brandy, drinking only natural wines, agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job, taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever (with or without a solemn oath), taking more physical exercise, reading inspirational books, going to health farms and sanitariums, accepting voluntary commitment to asylums—we could increase the list ad infinitum.”  

group therapy

Healthy Travels

Eventually, after trying method after method, some of us have the revelation that treatment services of some sort are going to be needed to make it to the other side alive. All too many undermine the mental grip that alcoholism can perpetrate on its pawn. Once the need for medical leave or help has been identified, the beginning of recovery has begun.

Now having knowledge that alcoholic thinking is a diagnosed disorder, we look into preparation for taking a short-term medical leave to collect ourselves. Some of the steps in setting up a medical leave include:

  • Talking to Human Resources Department
  • Notifying all Superiors
  • Obtaining Medical Recommendation/Alibi
  • Accounting for Bills/Payments during Absence
  • Taking Care of All Loose Ends

It may be an uncomfortable experience to deal with, but detoxing under professional care and taking a few weeks for medical leave may be one of the best decisions ever made. If addiction is allowed to progress to the extent of its capabilities, this concept of potential and opportunity will eventually turn into a pine box story. It’s not a matter of “if” for most but more so a matter of “when”.

Tomorrow Comes Today

Upon taking a medical leave and entering self into an institution, we are granted the opportunity to have time for ourselves. Think about it: in today’s fast-paced world, how often do we truly get time to connect with ourselves. In the regular day to day hustling and bustling, there is always some sort of phone ringing, television playing, family members needing your time, etc. Sure everybody leads a different life than the next addict or alcoholic, but the globe spins the same speed for everybody.

Like it or not, we all have unique stories but similar symptoms to our problem thinking. Alcoholic thinking is an irrational mindset that will put selfish wants over selfless needs. Taking a medical leave of sorts requires a very potent form of courage mixed with action. In all actuality, all the answers we are seeking will not fall into our laps unless we go looking for them. Consider taking a medical leave as a 4 leaf clover lucky opportunity that some may never have. We are the sole proprietors of our destiny.

Becoming Present While Absent

Most of the time, addiction sneaks up on us over time. It’s a disease that doesn’t appear overnight but slowly and stealthily approaches while deconstructing everything positive in your life. If you or a loved one has been struggling with getting a firm grasp on sobriety and need detoxification, please call 1-800-481-8457 or visit oarcstaging.wpengine.com. Our teams of specialists are waiting by to help figure out what options are best for sending your life is a comfortable direction that you can proudly stand behind.  

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