As we stumble blindly through this world learning the daily tricks of the trade, most who aren’t oblivious to their emotions cycle through an onslaught of dissimilar feelings throughout the course of their day. From Hulk like emotions resembling anger, to a simple bliss that may remind us of Winnie the Pooh, there are a slew of different core feelings we are a part of. Sympathy and empathy are just two that are heavily overlooked, especially when we bring addiction and alcoholism to the table.
There’s no question that those suffering from the throes of substance abuse can be selfish in their nature. Though they frequently lack sympathy or empathy toward other individuals, often times they expect others to feel sorry for them and the woes that chemical dependency has delivered to their doorstep. Have you ever wondered what possesses a person for the want to make everybody feel sorry for them? There’s always that type of person that clings onto the victim responsibility hardcore and embodies the very definition of self-oppression.
The World’s Out to Get Me
As addicts and alcoholics, it’s our natural instinct to rationalize our substance abuse to allow our lives to be that of the victim. With all the negativity that surrounds somebody in active addiction, it’s no wonder they complain a lot and expect to be treated like a victim. Sorry but just to be blunt, sometimes it’s just so much easier to bitch. Think about it. Why put effort into the little minuscule things that control our state of mind when we could just complain in the hopes that somebody will feel sorry for us and maybe take care of our burdens? Isn’t that just the addicted dream?
Nah, most would prefer to submerge themselves fully into that role of the victim and carry on and carry on in a cynical mindset. This is another way that most addicts and alcoholics shift the faults of their lives onto something or somebody else. It’s safe to say that taking on the task of a victim is congruent to sayings like:
- “That’s not fair”
- “I don’t want to”
- “That’s too hard”
- “I can’t do that”
- “But how come…”
Most who are a victim of sorts have this negative mindset surrounded about them. When we’re so caught up in our usage, it’s hard for us to see that we are the product of our own actions. We start developing this victim role mindset as if there is some force or entity out there that is trying to prevent us from the delinquency and debauchery we so crave to partake in.
The Crybaby Blues
Addiction will have any person believing they are perpetually behind with everything. They’ll never be able to catch up with addiction as long as their using. Alcoholic thinking always maintains the upper hand in this scenario if the victim doesn’t do something about it. The infamous mindset of being powerless begins to take hold here. By allowing ourselves to become the victim, we are basically handing over our choice of mental freedom and accepting that life is going to deliver one bad thing after the next. Substance abuse will make everything that happens to the person synonymous with negativity. With the mindset of a victim, the peak was long ago and everything from here on out is downhill. Better yet, the right victim will say they didn’t have a peak.
As we continue feeding off the power that becoming the victim gives and feeling sorry for ourselves, our whole attitude and outlook upon life changes into unconstructive thinking that will only exacerbate the downhill thinking that addiction loves. It’s a discomforting feeling filled with anger, fear, and hostility. With an addicted perception of pessimism, it’s only going to continue to pull that person down like quicksand.
Winners, Losers, and Victims
Those who become sucked into this victim role will need help to see the positivity in life. Most addicts will be subconsciously on guard and defensive about everything that they come across. You see, the victim always thinks that people and life are out to get them. It’s not that addicts are piss poor people, but the fact that resentment and frustration are building inside them remains. The negativity that embodies the victim will eat at their insides like the toxic substances they ingest.
Once the victim role becomes a way of life, most addicts and alcoholics will resemble only that of self-pity in its truest form and will be actively looking for people to feel sorry for them. They are known to stumble so far into this befitted role that they will do anything they can to avoid themselves and have somebody cry the tears for us that we are no longer able to cry for themselves.
Addicts and alcoholics will make it a point to put our misery and self-doubt right out on the table so that everybody has to tiptoe around us. Becoming the victim will only make things harder in life. The thing is, all of us on this earth feed off hope and the ambition of a better tomorrow. Allowing victimization to be the only soul food and mental substance in this life will cause mental starvation that can lead to death in severe case. Keeping your chin up and looking for the best in everything is the only way to make it through this life alive.
Keeping that Chin Up
Substance abuse is a sneaky disease that doesn’t encompass any idea of fun. Addiction is the same sickness that victimizing thrives off of. Those of us struggling can both complain and admit defeat- or we can get back on the horse and do something about the pessimism that surrounds. Don’t let addiction and alcoholism win. If you or a loved one has been struggling with getting a firm grasp on sobriety and need detoxification, please call 1-800-481-8457 or visit Our team of specialists are waiting by to help figure out what options are best for sending your life is a comfortable direction that you can proudly stand behind.
6 years ago
This was a good read and insight into the victim mentality addicts have.
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