In the midst of a year that will be documented in history books to come, problems other than those that are discussed on national news channels are still occurring in the country. The United States is still experiencing an addiction crisis that has been many years in the making. In fact, nearly one-third of all Americans know someone who had or has a substance use disorder. And with the world seemingly spinning out of control, people are turning to the use of drugs and alcohol now more than ever. Is an addiction intervention the best option? But what do you do when one of those people is someone you care about?
Knowing someone who is struggling with addiction can dramatically impact your life in several negative ways. The emotional, mental, and physical toll that you can experience can leave you feeling powerless and without hope for their future. But one of the greatest challenges related to addiction can come when a person tries to weigh if someone needs an intervention or not. That is because being close to the disease of addiction can cause confusion about what to do and when. You may feel like you are already walking on eggshells around the addicted individual, so you convince yourself not to rock the boat with an intervention. Or, you may be scared that you are inviting in too much help when it’s not exactly necessary. The best way to help determine if someone is in need of an addiction intervention is to learn what the signs are.
Signs Someone Needs an Addiction Intervention
It is a fine line to walk when trying to figure out how to help someone battling active addiction. Thankfully, you can empower yourself to know when to make the call and initiate an intervention if you know what to look for. You can do this by being aware of what constitutes problematic drug use and drinking behaviors, as well as the difference between someone who abuses substances occasionally and someone who is using regularly.
Increased tolerance
Tolerance is a classic sign that someone is in need of an addiction intervention because of how serious it is. Someone who is tolerant on a substance needs to continually increase the amount of drugs and/or alcohol they are consuming in order to achieve the sensation of being under the influence. If they maintain their pattern of tolerance, eventually they will be using large amounts of their preferred substance, significantly increasing their risk for overdose. That is why calling an addiction intervention when you see tolerance occurring can be life-saving.
Social isolation
When someone goes from being social to isolating themselves from others, it should serve as cause for concern. It is common for addicts and alcoholics to withdraw from friends, family, and social circles in order to cover up their use and/or continue to use. Social isolation can also develop in response to increased feelings of depression and anxiety or as well as substance abuse-related issues such as insomnia, hypersomnia, and gastrointestinal problems. Someone who isolates themselves from others because of their substance abuse can benefit from an addiction intervention.
Worsening mental health
No matter which way you cut it, abusing drugs or alcohol will negatively affect a person’s mental health. In fact, nearly half of all addicts and alcoholics also have a mental illness. It is time to consider an intervention if someone is exhibiting behaviors related to mental illness regardless of if the condition occurred before or after the addiction started. Someone who is experiencing worsening mental health is likely to develop symptoms such as paranoia, agitation, pervasive sadness, unpredictable behavior, heightened anxiety, and even hallucinations.
Financial problems
It is typical for someone addicted to drugs or alcohol to struggle with finances because they put all their money towards getting high. That is the nature of the disease of addiction, as the mind and body constantly craves more. What often ends up happening is that the addict or alcoholic cannot afford basic human needs, never mind anything else. As a result, they may regularly borrow from friends and family and never repay them. They may also ask for money from strangers or even sell themselves in an effort to get cash. So, when you see someone having financial problems, seeking out an interventionist can be majorly beneficial.
Problems stopping use
Someone who makes one or more attempts at stopping their use or even cutting back but is unsuccessful can benefit from an addiction intervention. What this signals is that the person has difficulty eliminating drugs or alcohol from their lives, potentially because they are physically and/or mentally dependent on substances. Professional treatment is the best option when this is occurring, as the disease of addiction keeps a person continually using even if they do not want to.
It is also time to consider an addiction intervention when someone develops cognitive problems, does not maintain good personal hygiene, abandons responsibilities at work or home, or engages in risky behaviors (e.g. driving while under the influence, prostituting themselves for money, etc). When you see these issues developing, but are unable to convince a person to get help, an intervention should be the very next step you take. Denial that they have a problem and resistance to treatment occur in almost all addicts and alcoholics, but when the denial and resistance become commonplace, an intervention can potentially get through to them.
Above all else, trust your instincts. If you feel like someone you care for is addicted to drugs or alcohol and needs help, do not be afraid to ask for that help. When it comes to addiction, intervention works just as well in the early stages of the disease as it does in the late stages.
Professional Addiction Treatment in Ohio
At Ohio Addiction Recovery Center, we understand that accepting treatment often comes after a hard-fought battle. We know that for many people, an intervention is absolutely necessary in order for them to realize the deadly potential of their disease. If you or someone you love needs help, do not waste another moment. Contact us right now to learn more about how we can help.
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